NBW 0907
NBW 0925
NBW 0826
DZ mit Balkon
IMG 2648 (2)


Information: During the Corona pandemic we are keeping our sauna area closed for our collective protection.

From Monday, 7th June 2021, the 13th Bavarian Infection Protection Measures Ordinance will apply. As a guideline, it is decisive for your stay in our house and the following regulations must be observed (DEHOGA (German Hotel and Restaurant Association) excerpt):

§ 1 Scope of application, incidence calculation

(1) This Ordinance shall apply (...) only in districts and independent cities in which the number of new infections (...) within seven days (...) determined in accordance with Section 28a (para. 3) sentence 12 of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG) does not exceed 100. In areas with a higher 7-day incidence, its regulations only apply insofar as the respective regulation refers to this provision. (...)

(2) The following shall apply with regard to the 7-day incidence relevant for a rural district or an urban district:
1. If the 7-day incidence published on the Internet by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) exceeds the threshold value relevant for the regulation in a district or an independent city on three consecutive days, the measures ordered by the regulation shall come into force there from the day after the next following day.

2. If the 7-day incidence rate published by the RKI on the Internet falls below the threshold value relevant for the regulation in a district or an independent city on five consecutive days, the measures imposed by the regulation shall cease to apply there from the day after the next.

§ 3 Mandatory masks
1. A medical face mask or a mouth-nose covering (mask) is to be worn.

2. Children are exempt from the obligation to wear a mask until their sixth birthday.

3. Persons who can prove that wearing a mask is not possible or unreasonable for them due to a disability or for health reasons are exempt from the mask obligation as long as this can be immediately proven on site, in particular by presenting an original written medical certificate, which must contain the full name, date of birth and specific information as to why the person concerned is exempt from the obligation to wear a mask.
§ 4 Proof of test

Where this Ordinance provides for the presentation of evidence of absence of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection (test evidence) for the use of or admission to certain facilities, establishments or areas, the following shall apply:
1. A written or electronic negative test result of
a) a PCR or POC antigen test or
b) an antigen test approved by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and carried out under supervision for self-administration by laypersons (self-tests)

which complies with the provisions of the COVID-19 Protection Measures Exception Ordinance (SchAusnahmV).

2. Test certificates are only required in districts and independent cities in which a 7-day incidence of 50 is exceeded, unless expressly ordered otherwise.

3. Asymptomatic persons who are in possession of a vaccination certificate issued to them (vaccinated persons) or convalescent certificate (convalescent persons) as well as children up to their sixth birthday are exempt from the need to present a test certificate.

In principle, proof of testing can be waived if the individual person does not use a specific fixed place in the facility, establishment or area and it is also otherwise unlikely, due to the usual user behaviour there, that the individual person will be exposed to close spatial contact with specific persons of another household for a longer period of time, unless expressly ordered otherwise; in case of doubt, the competent district administrative authorities shall decide
§ 5 Contact data collection

Insofar as contact data are collected under this Ordinance or on the basis of the protection and hygiene concepts provided for therein for the purpose of contact tracing in the event of an established infection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, Section 28a (4) IfSG shall apply accordingly with the following provisos:
1. In each case, the surname and first name, secure contact information (telephone number, e-mail address or postal address) and the period of stay must be documented.

2. If contact details are provided to the person obliged to collect the data, they must be truthful.
The collection of contact data according to sentence 1 may also be carried out in electronic form, provided that a sufficiently precise documentation of the data according to sentence 1 no. 1 is ensured. (...)

Part 2 Regulations for the individual areas

§ 16 Accommodation

Accommodation offers by hotels, lodging establishments, school hostels, youth hostels, campsites and all other commercial or paid accommodation may be made available under the following conditions:
1. Each overnight guest, without regard to the 7-day incidence on site, shall present proof of testing on arrival in accordance with § 4.

2. In districts and independent cities with a 7-day incidence between 50 and 100, guests additionally require proof of testing for each additional 48 hours in accordance with § 4.

3. Guests may only be accommodated in a room or accommodation unit within the framework of the contact restrictions existing according to § 6.

4. The operator shall take appropriate measures to ensure that, as a matter of principle, a minimum distance of 1.5 m is maintained between guests who are not accommodated in a room or accommodation unit and between guests and staff.

5. Masks are compulsory for staff as far as they come into contact with guests, as well as for guests as long as they are not at the table in the restaurant area or in their accommodation unit; § 14 para. 1 sentence 1 no. 2 half-sentence 2 applies accordingly.

6. The operator shall draw up a protection and hygiene concept on the basis of a framework concept for accommodation establishments published by the State Ministries for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy and for Health and Care and submit it to the competent district administrative authority on request.

7. The operator shall collect the contact details of the guests in accordance with § 5.

The wellness area is currently closed due to Corona restrictions.


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6 / 17 °C
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7 / 15 °C
Partly Cloudy Night
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